
Best of Technonolgy

Technology has always been a big part of my life whether it be video games, computers, cell phones, or tablets. I’ve always found it quite comforting having technology to fall back on to keep in touch with loved ones when I was not able to see them quite often or for the loved ones that I have that do not live close by. The scary thing about technology is that most people cannot go a day without using their cell phone or computers, let alone a couple of hours.

Social networks have been there for me to find out important things for a while and I think that is great. I have family and close friends who have moved away and social networks give me a chance to be apart of their biggest moments in life. I will be having a baby late June/early July and I could not be happier that my family in Texas, San Diego, Sacramento, and Los Angeles get to be apart of that in some way.

Having access to different networks by using tablets, computers, and cel phones has helped me start a little freelancing business for myself. I post make up that I have done on myself and on others so that other people are able to view them and contact me when they need make up done for a dance, party, dinner, etc. Sure, a lot of things we do can easily be done without technology like it had been done for years but I think now that we have a wide range it has made life a lot easier for many of us.

Personally, when I have been on a certain social network for some amount of time and they decide they want to change their layout I can admit it is a little frustrating. When you are used to constantly using something for a good amount of time and they switch it up it might be a little hard to get used to. Luckily for me I just stick to Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr. I do not have much to keep up on. For people who decide they do not want to be apart of a social network because the layout looks complicated is totally understandable. I never joined Twitter for the same reason, I am completely lost and have never been a fan. I think it is completely okay to want to have nothing to do with technology but I think everyone should at least try it out to keep in touch at least via email or text messaging.

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