
Accidentally Spiritual


In William Powers recent blog he mentions how the screen was devouring the rest of his life and I think now a days too many people are letting that happen. We aren’t realizing how much we let technology take over our lives. It becomes a daily ritual, check Facebook, check email, text messaging, or just playing games. All of this happens right when we wake up and right before we go to bed…every… You would be lying if you said you didn’t know what I was talking about.
I remember at the beginning of the semester when we were getting into Powers life and learning about his “Internet Sabbath” and thinking it is very much a religious form. He gives up the internet for the weekend all the time just as we fast or give something up for lent.
We get so consumed by things that we do not realize it most of the time so I think if we too Powers approach it would be a lot healthier. We would gain back the time the we were leaving behind with family members and dear friends. Just because we are all together in one room doesn’t exactly mean that we are all paying attention and using that time to interact with one another. Too many of us will sit in a room with three or more people and we will on be on our phones the whole time, letting out a couple words every so often. We need to start limiting ourselves and get more connected with everyone eye to eye rather than just through technology.

Clay Shirky

The majority of people today use the internet. Some for work, some for school, and some who just like to explore the net. This can easily come with disadvantages. For example, Wikipedia, this site is so easy for anyone to put in  what ever information they want.
We all have the ability to put what we like on the internet, a lot of people do this by using YouTube. People teach make up, recipes, music, how to draw, and build things. We also have the ability to search and learn what we like, but do we use the internet to its full potential? Some might say yes, others will be quick to say no. I am one of those people who look up everything, I want to know how everything works, how it is made, the history behind, and everything in between.
Soon enough there will be no need for printers, copy machines, and maybe even schools because everything will be done online. Although that would make things a lot easier, I think we should stick to the way we do certain things and not become totally dependent on the internet.
In, “The Invisible College” Clay Shirky asks, “How is the Internet changing the way you think?” his answer was, “Too soon to tell.” I completely agree with that. I think for some of us we have not been using the internet as long as we think, therefore it has not had much time to changing the way we think but soon enough it sure will.

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