Chapter 11

A Cooler Self

In chapter 11 of Hamlet’s Blackberry, A Cooler Self, William Powers brings to our attention the works of Marshall Mcluhan. Mcluhan is not only the last philosopher mentioned but he is also what I find the most interesting in my opinion. This chapter stood out to me the most because Mcluahn knew what it was like to be sucked into technology so Powers had, what I would think, an easier time projecting those thoughts he had to all of us rather than getting the information and piecing together what was going on hundreds of years ago with Tables and what not.
Mcluhan is responsible for, “the global village” and “the medium is the message” he knew what was to come in our digital work, those to phrases say so much and are so on point without even having to further explain.
On pages 194-195 Powers explains what Mcluhan’s thoughts were on how we can get away from this technology and how to cut back on it. It was simple, we hold the power to do so, simply, as Mcluhan would say “live more consciously.” Many of us don’t realize we have a problem with technology so it never gets fixed, this is why I am glad I had the chance to read this book. Hamlet’s Blackberry has opened my eyes in so many ways! I noticed since starting this book I am not on my phone as much, I regulate my time because now that I noticed I was always on my cell phone texting and on different social networks I get overwhelmed sometimes if I spend too much time on it. We all need a break once in a while, we all have the ability to remove some of the clutter that technology brings in our mind…..we just need a wake up call.