anit social

Consumed by Technology

I don’t think many of us actually pay attention to how much time we waste with technology. Personally, I spend way too much time on my cell phone and lap top. I have noticed that when I am having a conversation with one or two people and they get on their phone while I am talk it aggravates me but once they get the chance to talk I am right there doing the exact same thing.
My parents have made it a rule that when we are all in the same room with each other we are not allowed to even look at our cell phones because they want us to focus on spending time with each other. That brings back what Sherry Turkle had said in her lecture, “reclaim certain places for conversation.” That is a great idea and more of us need to start doing that. When my family and I go out to for dinner we notice so many families who are just sitting there on their cell phones not even talking to one another, it’s really sad that no one really pays attention to one another anymore.
Sherry Turkle also mentioned how some people feel that if they don’t stay connected then they don’t feel themselves. I completely agree because my sister is one of those people. My sister always has to be on some kind of device or she gets moody, it’s so unhealthy but that is how it’s getting today with everyone. No one wants to talk face to face just face to screen all of the time.